
Reclaiming the internet, resetting the rules for Big Tech

Reset we want to change the way the internet prioritises the spread of news and information so that Big Tech’s business model serves the public good instead of purely corporate interests. They are taking on a potentially world-changing challenge – combatting misinformation, hate speech and polarisation.

The brand promises urgent action, demonstrating a strength of conviction while avoiding negative, us-vs-them messaging.
It was useful to lean into the glitchy tech clichè as it provided a way to show transition from one state to another. To constantly hammer home the idea that the systems we've built are changeable and fixable. 'Code can be changed'.
Expose disinformation, silence hate speech, disarm data manipulators.
Easter egg
The mark itself while providing an anchor and recognisable symbol is also somewhat of an easter egg. Referencing a 205 Error Code which is a 'content_reset request'.