Without Form

Digital exhibition platform for London College of Communication

Without Form is a virtual exhibition space which showcases experimental work from London College of Communications students and alumni. It's goal was simple, to create a site which delivers a rich experience, is low impact and accessible.

Its creation was a collaboration between OPX, the developers Mallard & Claret, the London College of Communication Exhibitions Team and recently graduated students from the Information and Interface Design course.
Exhibition space
One of the core ideas was to retain a sense of exploration and discovery that you get with a physical exhibition space. To achieve this we wanted to create a large collection wall that could be dived into as if passing into smaller collection rooms.
A manifesto to educate and inform.
No frills
Our main challenge with the overall design was to create a low impact, accessible site – without compromising the experience or the work of exhibitors. This limited things like, typeface, colour, imagery and javascript use. So the design took on a 'no frills' look and feel, utilising system fonts, bitmap images and a simple black and white aesthetic.
The clock is always ticking... and getting bigger.
Education, education, education
The final part of this project was the delivery of a lecture/workshop to LCC students to 1. Launch the new site and tell the story of its creation, and 2. Inform and educate on the pros and cons, perils and pitfalls of creating a more environmentally conscious website.
Work in progress